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Check out some of the work I have done! (Click to download content)

Poetry, it's everywhere​

I know, I know. Right now you are considering clicking on that red x in the corner, but what you may not realize is that all marketing has it's roots in poetry. Alliteration, imagery and emphasis drive the reader. These are the basic elements of poetry and key ingredients in making a soup that sells instead of one that just burns in the pot.

Engaging Content​

It's all about agitation. If we get an itch, we scratch it. Let me help you make content that will move people in the direction you want them to go.

Flyers and Posters and More, Oh My! ​​

When you need a message that will be sent out to a broad audience, you need someone who can distill it, make it succinct and not lose any of the edge. Here are a few I have worked on. Sign up to get access to a larger display of my work.



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